Stop your child's fussy eating! 

Welcome! If you’ve got a fussy eater, you’re in the right place!

I’m Claire Potter, author of the best-selling book Getting the Little Blighters to Eat that gives you a clear, simple and powerful approach to stop fussy eating in your child. I can also help you directly through a 1:1 consultation.


Fussy eating can be conquered – just perhaps not in the way you think!


This system throws all the typical methods parents try out the window. Instead, it uses the research and child psychology to change the way your child thinks about and approaches food and mealtimes.


It makes mealtimes instantly less stressful

No more nagging, negotiations, bribing, pleading, shouting or confrontations.


It requires you to do less, not more

There are no child-friendly recipes to follow, no trickery (like hiding veg in a pasta sauce) and no gimmicks (like smiley faces made from veg on top of a pizza). There aren’t even any sticker charts!


It is gentle and kind

You don’t have to be the bad guy. No harsh words or punishments are involved.


It works!

This approach is supported by up-to-date research. Follow it consistently and – lick by nibble, chomp by munch! – you WILL reach the point where fussy eating is no longer a problem that interferes with daily family life.

“Potter will have you rethinking everything you’ve learned from your parents, grandparents, friends and peers, and enjoying fuss-free, stress-free family meals in no time.”

Practical Parenting Magazine

“It works! … I am 10 days in and have already achieved things I could only dream of before with my fussy 9 year old boy.”

Mrs. R. Stebbings

“It has transformed mealtimes from an ordeal to an enjoyable family moment. Last night my 5 year old willingly ate a small plateful of butternut squash and sage risotto. That is a child who will consistently tell me he doesn’t like rice, doesn’t like squash and doesn’t like anything green.”


“My daughter is so much more adventurous under the new regime. She quietly tries food that she would previously have screamed at.”

Angela Pugh